domenica 23 maggio 2010

It's time to move on!

Last Friday I took a deep breath, jumped out of my desk and asked my boss for a "chat"...I handed my notice.
Despite we head a couple of meetings in the last month, he seemed surprised of what he was hearing. I don't know, perhaps he was hoping I was going to change my mind or maybe that it would have taken me a longer before I decided to leave.
He is a good manager, like not that many out ther. He is what I would call a 360° manager: he can be tough, but also understanding person. He likes to invest in the people of his team and he's also a good listener. Unfortunately, our roads will take a different directions soon and it would be easy find someone else like him, but I've got to try to do it my own way or I'll regret one day.
I have to say that it didn't feel great when I took the weight off my shoulders as I would have expected, but actually I felt anxious and kept asking myself whether I had done the right thing: leaving the safe harbour for a relatively unknown destination.
Quoting Lance Armstrong in Every second counts: "I want to feel this life as it occurs. Not as it might have occurred. Or as it could have been, if only."
I wasn't satisfied with where my career was going; I wasn't giving any contribution and I wasn't going to leave a sign or put a name out there.
I wasn't at peace with the reality of my life fron 9am to 5pm and I didn't want to wake up one day and find myself living a life.
I think below video is self-explanatory of how I felt 'till not long ago.

How many chances do we have in our life? It could be few, it could be only one more chance, and this time around I want to do everything to the absolute maximum.
I was sick of being sitting around and waiting for the right moment, for an answer or for a sign.
The secret to achieve anything we want in life lies within us, it's up to us to discover it.
What is this all about? I just want to give to myself a fair chance.

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