domenica 9 maggio 2010

May Bank Holiday with Adrenaline

Last May Bank Holiday was one my favourite weekends spent with The Challenge Hikers.
There was a lot going on squeezed in 3 days: on Saturday morning we climbed Mealrea and literally rock-climbed the top of the mountain. I was amazed at the fact that I didn't freak out when I saw the narrow path we had to walk and ravine just underneath are feet.

Actually, it was where all started...that feeling that you can do whatever I want with my body, I can push it to the limit where it's rather fear that runs through or as in this case was for me, pure adrenaline.
When I reached the top, it was like I was under drugs (not that I've ever tried any!): I could't stop talking, I was jumping and wanted more. I remember that at a certain point I was doing one of those little jumps just like at gym to adjust my feet to the grip, then suddenly I thought came into my head: I'm not tie up to a rope and I'm not at the gym. But still the void didn't scare me.
I kept going until I reached the top.

The hike went on and on for about 7 hours and eventually our poor feet deserved cold bath...

Saturday night was the party night of course, but we managed to get up all smiley and happy to add some other activities to our "log". Some of us did surfing and some others went horse-riding.
First time for me on a board as finally I convinced myself that it was better learning in cold waters without sharks, so at least I'd be worried only of one thing.

As if it wasn't enough, after lunch we climbed Croagh Patrick, which is renowned for its Patrician Pilgrimage in honour of Saint Patrick, Ireland's patron saint. It was on the summit of the mountain that Saint Patrick fasted for forty days in 441 AD. On 'Reek Sunday', the last Sunday in July, over 25,000 pilgrims hill-climbed in barefoot the Reek.

The last, but not least adventurous day was cycling 18km of the Great Western Greenway, a traffic-free cycling and walking facility which primarily follows the line of the famous Newport/Mulranny Railway that closed in 1937.

...below there's a summary of our wild weekend. (video courtesy of utopietube)

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