lunedì 8 marzo 2010

Metabolic consequences of meals after exercise.

This is an abstract from a research of School of Kinesiology, University of Michigan and published on

The study is based on the idea of how what we eat after a work-out session - whether it is for simply keeping in shape or a hard training for a sport competition – can impact our metabolism for hours and even days after the work-out session.

They have measured and compared the effect of low dietary carbohydrate vs. low energy intake in meals after exercise on insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism the next day.

It implied the study of nine healthy men in 4 randomized trials. During the first trial the subjects remained sedentary, while throughout the following 3 trials the subjects exercised until they expended 800 kcal.

Dietary intake in all 4 trials was intended to provide sufficient energy and carbohydrate to maintain a nutrient balance. During and after the exercise the maintenance of an energy deficit had the most potent effect on lipid metabolism and increased oxidation compared with when in nutrient balance.

Every time they worked out, the sensitivity of the insulin increased the effect of the acute aerobic exercise and also helped reducing the risk of diabetes. All this in a condition where there is carbohydrate deficit after exercise, but not energy deficit.

To sum up, when consuming low carbohydrate content in meals after exercise, the muscle glycogen concentration is prevented from becoming fully restored.

A suggested carbohydrate intake would be: corn flakes, low fat biscuits or bread. Also, it would be better keep in mind that we usually burn less calories than we think and tend to indulge ourselves as a reward of the effort made eating more food than we need, minimizing our results.

I usually tend to consume a meal within the first hour after the exercise session to restore the carbohydrate deficit and to avoid to eat snacks and junk food which would certainly nullify the benefit of the exercise.

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