venerdì 12 marzo 2010

The rainbow bag

s. It helps not to Living in Country which lacks of colours not only because of the weather, but also the architecture all around I try to wear all the time colourful clothes and accessorieturn into a depressed zombie, see things in a different way and face those things (big or small) that might happend during the day.

Almost every day I carry with me my rainbow bag for a tour around the city centre in an attempt to brighten the area up, and it seems working. People keep on looking at it and enquiry about it, always with a big smile on their face.
It makes me feel like I’m not one of those dots moving up and down a crowdy street at the end of a working day. “Excuse me! Comin’ through!” Got the idea?
All it takes it’s just a bag with the right combination of colours to make pedastrians alive.

It’s like when I go to the shop to buy Savoiardi biscuits in order to make Tiramisu’. Whoever is behind the counter shows me a big smile and gleaming eyes every single time I ask for the the biscuits and they realise it’s for making Tiramisu’.
I hear always the same question: “ Are you gonna make Tiramisu’?” As if I was going to build up a new Colusseum or painting a Masterpiece.

It’s good to know that there are still people in this world who enjoy themselves with small things and mainly can and want to find a moment to stop, leave everything behind and get pleasure from basic things.

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