domenica 18 aprile 2010

I got bit by the hiking bug

Today I led my first moderate hike and I have to say that last night and early this morning I was a bit anxious about my navigations skills and the fact that I probably didn't give the right directions to get to the meeting point.
Last Sunday I attended a Compass and Map reading course in order to be able to organise more hikes and to get ready for my Rainbow trip as it will include lot's of hike especially in New Zealand.
I was worried to fail, but then I remembered that I read somewhere (actually I think it's on one of Lance Armstrong's books) that you can lear from failure and also I thought: "Who said it is going to be a failure? I haven't even left home and already have thisk kind of thoughts! Think positive." And as it always pays having a positive attitude, things went well, people enjoyed the hike and I enjoyed it too.

We walked in a sort of a loop starting from the car park near J.B. Malone Memorial. JB was one of the greatest pioneers of Irish hillwalking and was able to fulfil his long-cherished dream of a waymarked walk throught the Wicklow Mountains.

Our first climb was Fancy Mountain so we decided to head South and circumnavigate the South side of Lough Tay (Lake Tay) and crossing Cloghoge river. Then, we started climbing Fancy mountain (595m) from the East side as there were quite few new comers and we wanted to avoid the steepest part with cliffs overlooking the lake on the West side of the mountain.

After enjoying the lovely view of the river from the top, we descended to reach the Sheepbank bridge in order to be able to start climbing this time War Hill (686m).

Before starting it the group split up as "lazy" ones wanted to skip this 30 mins extra and instead heading straight to Djouce mountain.
I don't know why but I felt the fatigue climbing this hill rather than the other two.
After another group photo, this time of only the brave ones who dared, we finally headed to our final destination: Djouce Mountain (725m), which I'm still trying to figure out which way is the correct way to pronounce it.
Then we skipped the last hill of the loop, White Hill (725m) as some people where already daydreaming of being at the car park and others in a pub.

The descent was done going through part of the sleeper tracks that form the Wicklow Way.
The path brings you to a super belvedere which overlooks Lough Tay and the great Lagga crag.
At the end of this great day out, we stopped for our usual and well-deserved refreshment in pub in Roundwood village.

I had fun today and enjoyed when I was arranging the hike. Looking at the best route on the map, compass bearing, taking pictures for my blog and and and album on FB and so on.

It takes a lot of time and work, but it pays being out there, looking around, listening to the birds twittering...

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