domenica 11 aprile 2010

Ireland's Highest Bog Trot

After the lovely Easter break back home, I have to keep up with my blog and my adventures.
Before the break, we went to what is called "Ireland's Highest Bog Trot.
We followed a sort of loop starting from Black Hill (602meters), went west trying to avoid descending too much ground before heading to Mullaghcleevaun (849meters), which is the second highest mountain in the Dublin/Wicklow area.
From here we headed down to Billy Byrne's gap before heading upto Moanbane summit.
We took a relative short walk across to Silsean(698meters) which due to the broken nature of the ground took longer than anticipated.
From here it is descent all the way to Ballyknockan. Its a long descent and I found it tough on the feet so take a little extra time.

Just in case you wonder why it's called Black Hill!

A cute little pond on the top of Moanbane. The name (Móin Bhán: white bog) must surely be derived from the carpet of bog cotton (cottongrass) that covers this and the surrounding hills in early summer.
It was the first time in 2 years of hikes that I heard some birds chirping. I felt even closer to the Nature.

And finally the kids got to play with the last snow of the season.
My camouflage wearing white didn't work quite well...
Believe it or not, that was my first time and I loved it. I was pushing myself into doing something I always wanted to do, but never did for fear. I felt the adrenaline.

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