mercoledì 19 maggio 2010


I am officially a runner since yesterday. I ran for the first time surrounded by 2,500 people. I don't like when on a sunny day, especially during the weekend Phoenix Park is packed with people, so I was a bit concerned on how I would have felt running in such a big number. It just felt great! I still have the imagine in my mind while running down the bridge at Grand Canal, of all those runners forming a river.

As my first race ever, my aim wasn't the time, but finish it, so I did. I have to say that unfortunately, the girls and I don't have an official time, as we're still debating whether the race started early or we were late (your call) and we didn't start from the start line so the chips didn't work . Therefore, we have all unanimously decided to take off 4 minutes of our time. If this was the case, my time would have been approx. 00:48:21. It's a long way from the 00:29:06 of the first place, but I'll get there one day.

So far, I'm proud of myself and my performance. I didn't feel tired for all 8k, never thought for a moment to quit and felt strong all the time. Surprisingly, I had a huge smile in my face for at leasat 6k, I couldn't keep myself from not smiling. I guess that's why they call it "fun"run.
Obviously, the Irish weather was part of the race too. It started raining just a hour before we started and didn't stop until I got home. I have to say that I didn't bother the rain; as L.A. says: "When it rains, I put a raining jacket on and go".

I kept a normal pace, despite I felt I could run faster, but I didn't want to push it on my first race and running the risk of ruining all the fun and the past training if I had stop because of the fatigue. On the last km though, I decided to switch on the engine and yes I could still breath.

I liked the feeling of being cheered on by random spectators and mostly of other runners who I arrived first and waited for us at the finish line. Now I know how it feels!
My thoughts during the race were for a woman on a wheelchair I saw yesterday afternoon at the Luas stop. I dediced that I would have run for her, so I did.

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